Friday, July 20, 2007

A Short Poem by Peter Griffin

A cold evening

Drifts down from the Aravallis.

One ear stays warm.

Science would insist

That it's a cheap phone Heating up.

I know what it really is:

You called

To share the sunset.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

I was telling J last evening.. unlike other drivers who seem to want to get from point A to point B - that does'nt seem to be my objective at all.. i drive with the objective of avoiding any on-coming traffif.. so for instance, i see car coming up ahead and quickly take left, a few more of these lefts later i discover i have come full circle...

i eventually get to where i am going .. but its not because i tried at all.. profound eh!?!
I've been told that most cultures have a saying which is the equivalent of "Squeaking doors get the oil". In India the equivalent is apparently, "The crying baby gets the milk"...

I've been told, the Chinese have a saying, "The nail that stands out gets hammered".

Found that very very interesting..