Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Whatay truly terrible week this has been ...
Actually 2 more terrible days to go before we can call it a week!
(Yes i know "Faith", i wrote about her 2 posts ago. I write this after having consulted her.)

Anyway, i now feel bitchier than the average week.
Here are some specific bitchy thoughts:
1) Frequent readers of this blog (26% of the 2.83 who visit this blog) would know that i dont have a cabin at work yet... i would like to change that very dated idea you have and have you know that now i don't even have a seat. Thank you!
2) I do have a very good team though and while i have had a great 1st 6 month innings with them, i am now having some very very depressing things happening.
(since this is a public forum, i cannot share much more, but to give you a parallel - remember how you felt after you watched "prem aggan"...Exact same emotion)
3) In this most motivating work envirnment, i want to add - i am light years away from achieving any goal set for me at work.
(actual count as of 28th May '09: 0/3236 goals achieved)

This is a small account and captures only very few surface emotions...
Don't get me started on acquaintance type relative who wanted to know if i had "any good news" to share, Calvin - pup by day, Taliban funded sabotage agent by night and
many more life-embracing situations sprung quite recently at J & me
(largely because of god giving in chhappad phaad ke format).

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Introduction to Poetry
(Billy Collins)

I ask them to take a poem
and hold it up to the light
like a color slide

or press an ear against its hive.

I say drop a mouse into a poem
and watch him probe his way out,

or walk inside the poem's room
and feel the walls for a light switch.

I want them to waterski
across the surface of a poem
waving at the author's name on the shore.

But all they want to do
is tie the poem to a chair with rope
and torture a confession out of it.

They begin beating it with a hose
to find out what it really means

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I am reading a book called Mr. Pip.
A small half para in that book talks about faith and religion.
I loved it... so here it is (in my words with my some of my beliefs).

Faith is what keeps it all together.
You must have faith... in yourself or in a God or in the Universe
in Something... just ANYTHING !
You need faith so that when things go wrong, you can summon that faith and get going again...

And you need this Faith in a place in you where it is summonable.
Thats not so easy - to have faith at your beck and call.
Enter Religion.
Maybe Religion and its practices are not the villain i have thought them to be. Maybe Religion was built just as a tool for the practice of faith, so that when you reach out to faith - you find it easily.

Religion gives you the book, the prayers, the hymns, the rosaries, the temples and the churches so you can practice having faith...
The faith that a man condemned and crucified to his death can rise again,
The faith that even the gods can come to difficult places in their journey, and when they do need to cross that ocean (without a boat)... the faith that all the universe would come together to make them a road (monkeys and squirrels included).

Maybe religion was made so you may have stories - stories that you listen to all your lives and hopefully come to believe... believe that anything is possible.

Faith keeps it all together but dont dismiss religion.
Maybe it has a purpose... It gives you the practice to summon your faith.