Wednesday, April 21, 2010

1st time i ever took an international flight was on my way from India to NY..
The BA flight circled around a Bit, had one of its wings hit one of those big ladder things, and then they canceled that flight because of fuel leakage.

The Dubai trip was un-eventful. I think thats coz J's good luck canceled my bad luck.

Now this time on my way to US - a volcano has erupted in iceland which is causing chaos in Europe.. so of course thats where i am - Europe.. with all the chaos!


Just an ordinary girl ... said...

I know that at this moment it feels like life could have spared you this ... but you'll have such stories to tell your children. About that volcano with an un-pronounceable name and what it did to your business trip and all the people you met ...
Such interesting stories that I will demand you tell them to my children as well!

Anna said...

This is true...
I will be the weird aunty who will tell them of her reluctant adventures.
(How's that for a book title ;))

Just an ordinary girl ... said...

nice title ... start writing!