Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I am always struck by how much people will do for you - even if they don't know you. Perhaps especially if they don't know you... The people you expect the least from :
- The Israeli girl with the child in her arms waiting in queue with you for a transit visa will fight for your cause with the airport police. Knowing nothing of German like yourself but fighting nonetheless for a complete stranger who is probably in a better position than she is.
- The Egyptian lady will give you the other half of her adaptor because she discovers that you have got an adaptor that while it has the right kind of holes - fits NOTHING... Give, mind you - not lend.
- The Sardarji uncle who knows some German but not nearly as much either of us had hoped will stand with you parking his luggage, his wife and his children and asking them to "Shush" while he reads German notices slowly explaining what he can to me...

On other journeys:
- The conductor from a Mumbai bus who asked me to tell the American girl next to me about the bus timings and then bought coffee for both of us , refusing to take money. He bought it for her because she was a guest and he bought it for me .. JUST.
- The sub-inspector in a Mumbai bus who walked with me from a bus stand to railway station just to show me the way. And when i had reached went all the way back to the bus stand but not without telling me to 'Take care and Be Safe' and giving his card in case i ran in to trouble.
- and so many many more...

My wallet has many such cards and tissue papers with numbers and email addresses of people like these... who I will never call or mail.
But they are the reason for my sigh of relief at a crazy airport and for my resolute confidence that i will absolutely and surely Be Okay!


Just an ordinary girl ... said...

:-) ... really ... such amazing people :-)

Anna said...

Its true SenRee!
It may all sound trivial later ..but at the time it is the EXACT thing you need and is being delivered by total strangers!
So much to tell you. Love.

Just an ordinary girl ... said...
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Just an ordinary girl ... said...

I know. Can't wait to see you!!!! Also quick question - did you change your flight from LA?
Drop me a one-liner over email ...
I am afraid I will scream when I see you ... and may run to you at the speed of sound. Don't get scared.
However, if I say something to you and immediately start running to you at the speed of sound, my sound and me will both reach together, no?

Anna said...

Helli senree. my flight is now out from san diego on sunday evening!! yayyy.. so not leaving via LA. Yayyy!! COMMMEEEE